The Battle of Nontenoy 1745
We played this scenario most recently at the Durham Wargames group show a couple of years ago but have played similar scenarios several times over the years. It can go either way – though the British player has a somewhat harder task.
Perspicacious reader will gather that it bears more than a passing resemblance to the Battle of Fontenoy in the War of Austrian Succession.
Models used were all from my own 18th century collection. The vast majority being Old Glory,of course, from our various 18th century ranges. Nowadays you could also get the vast majority of the troop type from the Blue Moon 15mm ranges.
We played the game with 4 players (2 per side) and an Umpire. The terrain was largely flat but with a fortified village on the French Right and a redoubt on the left – covered by woods.
MV stands for Morale value Figure Ratio for the actual numbers is 1-20.
Awful jokes are all my own work!!!
British Briefing
William Duke of Cumberland
Commander of His Britannic Majesty’s forces and their Allies in Flanders
Sir, the enemy is before you. They bar your progress to Tournai. They have fortified the village of Nontenoy and have built redoubts to bar your way.
Behind their first line you can see other troops (off table). Including the less than reliable Dutch and the paid Hessians you slightly outnumber the enemy forces.
Your cavalry is superior in numbers.
Your strength is in the British Infantry.
You should attempt to break through the French lines and destroy the enemy as a prelude to the relief of Tournai.
Deployment restrictions.
The Free companies should be deployed close to the Bois de Pisse.
Battalion guns must be attached to a specific battalion within their brigade.
Otherwise troops may deploy up to 18” from the baseline.
The Dutch and Hessians – other than the Free Companies must deploy opposite Nontenoy.
Once deployed artillery – other than battalion guns may only move at manhandled speed of 2” per move and may not fire when moving.
Infantry Brigades should be kept together or dire punishment may befall (‘ware the umpire).
Cavalry squadrons should be kept together in the same way but there is a little more leeway here.
His Britannic Majesty’s Army in Flanders.
Morning state
11th June 1745
Commader in Chief Wiliam Duke of Cumberland +2
Cavalry Brigade. Commander Henry Hawley +1 (additional +1 for bad language!!!)
1st Royal Dragoons 3 sqns. mv2 24figs 480 men.
Cobhams Dragoons 2 sqns. mv2 20 figs 400 men.
13th Kerrs Dragoons 1 sqn.6 figs mv2 120 men.
Troop Horse Grenadier Guards. Mv 3, 3 figs 60 men.
The Foot.
1st Brigade Commander “Daddy” Huske +2
1st Foot (Royals) St Clair mv3 28 figs 560 men.
3rd Foot (Buffs) Howard’s mv3 24figs 480men.
17th Foot Forbes mv3 32 figs 640 men.
34th Foot Cholmondley's mv3 32 figs 640 men.
1 light battalion gun to be attached to a designated battalion.
2nd Brigade Commander Brigadier Ingoldsby +1
36th Foot Fleming’s mv3 32 figs 640men.
50th Foot Hodgson’s mv3 28figs 560men.
87th Foot Kieth’s Highlanders mv3 28figs 560men
1 light battalion gun which must be attached to either the 36th or 50th
1 heavy gun
2 medium guns
Total British troops 1060 cavalry 4080 foot plus artillery and staff

British troops advancing all Old Glory 28mm from either the French and Indian War range or the Jacobite Rising range. Hessian Grenadiers from the Prussian 7YW range
Dutch and Hessian Briefing.
To General Hertz Van Rentals by order of the States General of the United Provinces.
Greetings. You should co-operate with the Duke of Cumberland but it is imperative that casualties in your forces should be kept to a minimum. Especially amongst the Dutch National troops. Your forces should remain together and should not be allowed to be broken up from their Brigades.
Forces of the United Provinces and the Landgrave of Hesse. Commander General Hertz van Rentals.
Garde Dragonder1 sqn 8 figs mv2 160men.
Hussars 1 troop. 4 figs mv2 80men.
Dutch Infantry and artillery
Gardes te Voet 24 figs mv2 480 men.
1 medium gun.
1 coehorn mortar.
Hessian Infantry brigade- British subsidy troops
Commander FMH Claus von Konigsegegegeg.+1.
Infantry Regt “Von Donop” 48 figs mv2 960 men.
Infantry regt “von Konigsegegegeg” 24figs mv2 480men.
Fusilier regt “Von Schorthausen” 22 figs mv2 440men.
Combined Grenadier battalion 14figs mv3 280men.
Free Companies 12 figs mv1 240 men.
Total Dutch and Hessian troops 240 Cavalry 2880 foot plus artillery and staff
To our trusty and well beloved General
Armand De Rochefort, Duc de Brie --La Grande Fromage!!! Greetings
The motions of the Pragmatic army under command of the Duke of Cumberland look to threaten our siege of Tournai.
We therefore command you to use your best endeavours to prevent them lifting the siege by giving them battle in the plain between Nontenoy and the Bois des Pisse
Deployment limits
The Irish brigade begin the game off table.
The French cavalry may begin off table at your discretion.
Guns must be placed in the village and in the redoubt- at least 1 in each place.
Once positioned the siege gun may not move but may turn in place- this counting as moving for fire deductions.
The other guns may be manhandled at 2 inches per move but may not fire whilst moving
The Grassins must begin in the Bois des Pisse.
Both the village and the redoubt must be held by a minimum of 1 battalion each.
Brigades should be kept together or command ratings will suffer (‘ware the umpire)

The French Defend NontenoyCorpese by Front Rank Grenadiers de France Elite. All other troops Old Glory or Sash and Saber and available from this website.
Army of the Meuse. Morning State June 11th 1745.
Commander in Chief Armand De Rochefort Duc de Brie +2 The Cavalry.
Commander. Auguste Chateaubriand ,Comte de la Plume de Ma Tante +1
Cuirassier du Roi – 2 sqns. Armoured mv3 16 figs = 320 men
Fitzjames Cavallerie 1 sqn. Armoured mv3 10 figs =200 men
Chabriant Cavallerie 1 sqn. mv2 6 figs =120 men
Bercheny Hussars/Chasseurs de Fischer 1 sqn.mv2 9 figs 180 men
The Foot
Brigade “La Reine”
Commander General Remy Martin Comte Courvasier+1
Regt. La Reine 1st Bn. Mv2 24 figs 480 men
Regt. La Reine 2nd Bn. Mv2 24 figs 480 men
Regt Augverne 2nd Bn Mv2 24 figs 480 men
Brigade Piedmont
General Jean deRicard Sieur de Pernod.+1
Regt Piedmont 1st bn mv2 30 figs 600 men
Regt Piedmont 2nd Bn(detachment) mv2 11 figs 220 men
Regt Royal Eccossais mv2 24 figs 480men.
Brigade Roth. The Irish Brigade
General Patrick Murphy O’Guiness +1
Regt Roth mv2 (mv3 in melee) 28 figs 560 men
Regt Dillon mv2 (mv3 in melee)32 figs 640 men
Regt Clare mv2 (mv3 in melee)28 figs 560 men
Unbrigaded troops
Arquebusiers De Grassin mv2 6 figs 120men
Grenadiers de France mv3 42 figs 840men
3 medium guns
1 siege gun
Force totals 5460 foot 820 cavalry plus artillery and staff
Andy Copestake - Old Glory UK